I had the pleasure and, dare I say it, honour, of working with Patsy May recently.
It was a great day. However, she did look a bit tired between takes.
ITV overworking her perhaps?
It’s Furchester Friday! That means new episodes of The Furchester Hotel on the Sesame Street YouTube channel, right here: https://www.youtube.com/user/SesameStreet. Go check them out! This is not available to those of us in the UK, but all the episodes of The Furchester that have been broadcast on Cbeebies are still available on the BBC iplayer here: http://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/cbeebies
The Furchester family have a chat with the BBC Media Centre.
I have just been told that The Furchester Hotel is the #1 show on Cbeebies!
This is amazing news. It was such a privilege to work on this project and be trusted with the character of Furgus Fuzz.
I had to pinch myself going into work every day. A fantastic show and a brilliant team.