It’s been over a year since I posted a blog. That’s the thing with life, things get away from you sometimes!
2018 was a year that kept me on my toes. Things that were supposed to happen didn’t, and other things popped up out of the blue! At the age of 47 you’d think that I would know that’s how life works. I guess I’m a bit slow on the uptake. It’s clear to me now that, for all our plans, the universe has other ideas, and it’s best just to role with it.
For most of 2018 I was being called in and out on a project that, for now, has to stay under wraps. It was a huge learning curve for me in many respects, but that’s all I can say for the moment. The other turning point was being signed up by Shining Voices. I’ve always wanted to do more voice work, and after a few years of hard slog and networking, Shining were good enough to take me on. So far I’ve worked on some video game projects that include Warhammer: Curse Of The Vampire Coast and The Persistance, as well as Alien: Sea Of Sorrows and Unseen Academicals for Audible. I’ve also done some corporate work that included Lee Kum Kee and P2i Dunkable. So, all in all, I’m thrilled with the doors Shining have opened for me.
At the tail end of 2018 I also flew to Spain to shoot some scenes for the upcoming second season of the Channel 4 sitcom Lee And Dean. This was a fantastic little adventure. The cast and crew were warm and welcoming, and this made the process of being involved in an entirely improvised project thrilling and incredibly rewarding. Oh… and funny obviously.
My involvement with Gerry Anderson’s Firestorm continues. Indeed, we hope to start shooting the full series in 2019.
There are other projects that I’m moving on to, working on, or have yet to be released, that for the moment I can’t talk about. So stay tuned!
So here’s to 2019!
And as always a massive thanks to you all for following me, and to my agents at Carey Dodd and Shining Voices for working so hard.